Rector’s Update 12/11/24

Later this week the advertisement for a new Team Vicar will appear in the church press.  The potential pool of applicants for a house for duty post is relatively small so do pray that we manage to attract someone who we can appoint. All being well we will interview early in January next year.

On Saturday (16th November) St Peter’s Church are hosting the Tearfund Big Quiz Night from 6.30pm at Bradfield Village Hall.  This is always a good fun evening and raises money for a great cause.  Details are on the 2bsd website and tickets are available from Tony Powell on

On Sunday 24th November, as well as our usual morning services, we have an Evening Celebration at 6.30pm for the whole Benefice at All Saints’.  Our Area Dean Grant Fensome will be preaching and there will be opportunities for prayer ministry.  There will be a combined band from St Peter’s and All Saints’ and it promises to be a great evening - do come along if you can. 

Over the coming weeks as we begin the Advent season we have some special events happening across the Benefice:

Sunday 1st December                6pm     Advent Carol Service at St Denys’

Saturday 7th December            10am – 12noon Christmas Coffee Morning at St Mary’s Bucklebury

Full details of the Christmas services across the Benefice will be published soon.

Have a good week.



Evening Celebration with Grant Fensome 24/11/24


Tearfund Big Quiz Night 16/11/2024