Rector’s Update 18/03/25

On Sunday we welcomed Ian and Jill Jeal to the Bucklebury Churches – the place where they had both become Christians and from where they were sent out to serve some 35 years ago. It was good to hear about their ongoing mission work in Europe and to be able to pray for them.  Ian’s talk is available in the recorded service on the 2bsd website

Today is the closing date for the Team Vicar (House for Duty) post and sadly we still have had no applicants.  This is a matter for urgent prayer, and we will meet again on Saturday (22nd March) at 9am at St Peter’s.  Last month over 25 people came so please do come if you are available.  As before, fresh coffee and pastries will be served from 8.50am so grab a drink and start the day by praying with others.  We will finish by 10am.

On Sunday evening (23rd) we are holding an Evening Celebration for the whole Benefice at 6.30pm at All Saints’ Church.  The speaker will be Steve Goss who is President of Freedom in Christ International (  Steve and his wife Zoe live in West Berkshire and worship locally. He is a great speaker, and we are sure to have a good evening of sung worship, teaching and prayer ministry.

Our Lent Course got off to a great start with well over 30 people from all of our churches but there is still space if you would like to attend. The course, Tenants of The King, is designed to help us to consider what the Bible has to say about the environment and to offer the opportunity to consider how we can respond as Christians, and as churches.   This week we meet at St Peter’s from 7.20pm.

Sunday 30th March is Mothering Sunday and we will have all age/family services in all of our churches.  The day provides us with the opportunity to give thanks for our own mothers and those who mother us, but also to support those for whom it is a more difficult day.  Gifts of flowers will be available in all of our churches.

This year St Peter’s will be marking 60 years since it was first dedicated, and we will be celebrating this on Sunday 11th May.  Our new Bishop Mary will be joining us for a Celebration Service at 2.30pm (there will not be a morning service that day).  Please put the date in your diary now.  As well as inviting former members of the church we are keen to use this as a missional opportunity and invite others from the community so do be thinking and praying about who you could bring.

Have a good week



Rector’s Update 04/03/25